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how to create backup of WordPress to google drive

In this Tutorial we describe how to take backup to Google Drive and restore anytime , even when your website is fresh WordPress install

Let’s know how to create backup of WordPress to google drive .

Step 1. Login to your WordPress account . ( must have admin access)

Login to your WordPress account
Login to your WordPress account


Step 2. On left side you can found plugin and under plugin you get option add new plugin . click on add new plugin.

click on add new from plugin on left side
click on add new from plugin on left side


Step 3. Now go to  search bar and type “UpdraftPlus ” and you will found UpdraftPlus plugin click install then active it.

with this plugin you will know how to create backup of WordPress to google drive
search and install then click on active


Step 4. Now go setting of UpdraftPlus . then select Google Drive as remote storage. After click on Google drive and save changes , it will ask for authenticate your account . ( Best login before start this setup or you can login also )

click on google drive to take backup your WordPress website
click on google drive to take backup your WordPress website


Step 5.Once click on save , It will ask to login to google account . It will ask permission to access google drive from this plugin

Now login with your google account
Now login with your google account


Step 6. now you click on Backup Now button . To create backup . It will create backup and  upload to your Google Drive .

click on backup now to create backup
click on backup now to create backup


It will ask backup option . We suggest check all backup option .


Select backup options
Select backup options


You can see backup process on same screens with process bar . You do not need anything just wait .

how to create backup of WordPress to google drive


How to Restore backup.

( NOTE : If you want to restore same hosting , Then just click on restore button . If you want to move new server then you need to install new WordPress and then you need to install same plugin and login with same email . Once done  .. You can find restore button and you can process for restore . )

anytime you can restore backup from this button
anytime you can restore backup from this button


Step 2. Now it will ask you to which part you should restore . You can check all to restore or some of the list .

how to create backup of WordPress to google drive
Click on all check box to restore


You can see backup restore process

Restore process
Restore process
Restore process bar
Restore process bar


You may have question , what about if you install fresh new WordPress  ?( as like new hosting )    then how to restore  ?

Yes , That can be possible . just login WordPress admin and install this UpdraftPlus . and  setup google drive as you know now ( WordPress backup to google drive).

Then do  same process .

Then you can delete current one .

check your all website and then delete old wordprees
check your all website and then delete old WordPress


Note : after restore done with fresh WordPress . You will logout after done restore , then you need to login as old backup ( login details )

So now you know how to create backup of WordPress to google drive also you know how to restore your backup for same site or new site .

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