In this tutorial we will know how to move cPanel website to Direct admin Panel .
Step 1 . login cPanel -> file manager -> select all file under public_html
As Like this screenshot
Step: 2 Make Zip file

Now You can download
Now You need to download mysql database backup .
Step 3 : cPanel -> backup -> mysql backup download
take a look on screenshot

Now you need to login DA control panel
Step 4: Login DA panel -> file manager
Step 5 : Upload zip file under public_html folder

Step 6: Now You need to create mysql database and save user name and password .
DA -> Dashboard -> MySQL Management -> Create Database
Step 7: DA -> phpmyadmin -> user DA username and password ( or mysql user name password as you create . )
Now Select database that you created . and go tab on Import .
Last Step . You need to configure database connection with PHP .
for WordPress its will be public_html -> wp-config. php ( use host : local host , User name password as you created on Step 6
But for other project . you should ask your developer about this .