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How To Move Website cPanel to cPanel

In this tutorial we will know how to move cPanel website to cPanel.

Step 1 . login cPanel -> file manager -> select all file under public_html

As Like this screenshot

Step:  2 Make Zip file

Make Zip file for download
Make Zip file for download


Now You can download full-backup.zip


Now You need to download mysql database backup .

Step 3 : cPanel -> backup -> mysql backup download

take a look on screenshot

Download mysql Backup
Download mysql Backup


Now you need to login New cPanel -> and go to file manager -> under public_html -> and unzip  and upload this zip file that you just downloaded .

Upload  zip file to cPanel
Upload zip file to cPanel


Now Need to create new database on new cPanel account

cPanel ->MySQL® Databases  -> add database as like screenshots

Create Database in cPanel
Create Database in cPanel


Create User name of database . Most case we set as same name for database and user . But you can set any name of database user name .


Add User name for database

add user to database
add user to database


Set PRIVILEGES as you want


Go to cPanel -> php myadmin and select database and import sql file as you download from OLD cPanel


Final Step .  Go to file manager and find database connection page to connect php and mysql database . for wordpress ( public_html->wpconfig .php )  and use same user name and password that you created on mysql manager


for other application you need to contact developer .

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