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  4. How to reset VPS password from VPS Self Mange panel

How to reset VPS password from VPS Self Mange panel

On this tutorial , We will learn how do reset password for  Linux  VPS from Self manage panel.

With our VPS , We provide self manage panel for Self manage VPS ,

So you can Reinstall OS, Start, Stop , restart many more function from customer side without help of our support team.

Login to Self  manage panel 

As Per your VPS you should have VPS manage panel access . ( If you have Not  or forgot , Please create ticket for  help )

Now login to panel . Then go to setting option then you can found Change Password tab click on that now you can see change password option with two text box .

  1. New password .
  2. Conform password.

Enter your password and click on Change Password button . 

After change you must stop your VPS and then Start to work new password .

Here is screenshot

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